Yuhan Pan

I am currently pursuing my M.S. degree with the Institute of Advanced Technology, University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) and my supervisor is Prof. Wei Gong. I received my B.E. degree in computer science at Dalian University of Technology (DLUT), in 2022. Now I am focusing on machine learning.

Main Publications:

  • SAT: A Selective Adversarial Training Approach for WiFi-based Human Activity Recognition

    Yuhan Pan, Zhipeng Zhou, Wei Gong, Yuguang Fang

    IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2024

  • Enhancing Fitness Evaluation in Genetic Algorithm-based Architecture Search for AI-aided Financial Regulation

    Jian Feng, Yajie He, Yuhan Pan, Zhipeng Zhou, Si Chen, Wei Gong

    IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 2024


  • Second-class academic scholarship, 2022
  • DLUT academic scholarship, 2021


  • yuhanpan@mail.ustc.edu.cn